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The Power of Digital Reporting 

​Successful business leaders look to data when making big decisions.

But it's not as easy as digging up numbers.

What steps are involved in the transition from analytics to actionable strategy?


  • Understandability

  • Relevance.

  • Reliability.

  • Comparability.

Happy Staff



An increase in turnover was observed with the high motivation that the personnel gained thanks to the Bonus System.


tanning salon consultant

Happy Customer


It has been observed that customer satisfaction has increased by 100% as the staff acts more friendly and more interested in customers with a 100% increase in motivation.

tanning salon costumer

Happy, Friendly, Highly Motivated Staff


Happy Customer





30% -50%

increase in turnover Observed

With SolarGenie, you can control and report all sales of all your staff and salon.

The average duration of Performance Races is 3 months. All weekly reports and the weekly sales ranking of the personnel are announced on a regular basis, thus ensuring that the motivation of the personnel is at the highest level due to the competition.


Employees who are found to be weak in sales (cosmetic or package sales) are trained in this regard, thereby increasing their performance.


As a result of weekly and monthly performance evaluations, it was observed that the motivation increased by 100% with the awards given to the personnel.

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